====Veranstaltungen in Zeiten des neuen SARS Cov 2 Virus (Corona)==== Hier sammeln wir (virtuelle) Veranstaltungen, die anstehen, oder erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden, während wir unter dem akuten Einfluss des Virus stehen. Weitere Info findest du womöglich im regulären **[[Zeitplan]]**. [[corona|Zurück zur Corona-Info-Seite]] ---- ===Anstehende Veranstaltungen (jüngste zuerst)=== Willst du etwas anbieten? Melde dich! [[Mitmachen|Schreibe uns!]] ---- **TUESDAY, MAY 19th, 2020 AT 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM CET** REconomy skillshare: how to do an online meetup Join this learning experience to improve your skills and confidence in planning, scheduling, promoting and hosting REconomy online meetups for your initiatives and networks. Host and facilitator: Nenad Maljković. Event start time: 9:30am BST / 10:30 CEST. Zoom link witll be shared with everyone that registers via Facebook event: [[https://www.facebook.com/events/537968333561590/]] New to Zoom or had some trouble last time? >>> Tips here: [[https://goo.gl/5Q8J6j]] PLEASE CONTRIBUTE to our budget to keep these events going: [[https://opencollective.com/reconomycop]] The session will be run in clinic format: brief introduction by Nenad then questions and answers (by Nenad and anybody that has an answer). Sessions will be recorded and posted in REconomy practitioners Facebook group so that our friends in Western time zones, and whoever was not able to join, could benefit from this skill share ---- ===Vergangene Veranstaltungen (jüngste zuerst)=== ---- **REconomy Online Meetup** Tuesday, May 12th, 3pm BST / 16:00 CEST Zoom link: [[https://zoom.us/j/774629548]] Event start time in YOUR time zone: [[https://everytimezone.com/s/6659611d]] New to Zoom or had some trouble last time? >>> Tips here: [[https://goo.gl/5Q8J6j]] PLEASE CONTRIBUTE to our budget to keep these events going: [[https://opencollective.com/reconomycop]] Are you enjoying the quietness and spaciousness of this new life? Or are you finding it difficult to cope with social isolation, health and money worries, and rapid change? How are you and those you know locally dealing with lockdown and grief? What has changed, in terms of staying connected with the local community? What needed to change? What else needs to change in your town? What may stay the same? Climate emergency, what now, what next? Despite the confinement, we need each other now, more than before. That is why we are re-opening the virtual space for the virtual REconomy community of practice. Bring a cup of your favourite beverage and join to REconomy Online Meetup. By coming together online in this Zoom call we aim to identify ways to strengthen our connection with each other and our community of practice. This is an opportunity to look at our current relationships and networks and ways of working, so that when we are finally released from isolation we will have an even better approach to how we operate globally and locally. Going back to business as usual will be a missed opportunity. Whether it is health, national or local food resources, energy or the revitalisation of the human spirit, this zoom call is one that needs your contribution. It is beyond time to develop alternatives to the existing system: alternatives that are just and inclusive, ecologically wise and socially regenerative, diverse and resilient. These alternatives should also be decentralising, shifting economic and political power back to communities and democratic institutions. And all of this in the context of dramatically less consumption of energy and material, while somehow delivering wellbeing for everyone. There is no bigger innovation challenge. Please join and invite whoever you think should be present. **BACKGROUND** The REconomy practitioners virtual community of practice is an international network whose mission is to spread the economic innovations that are working to create alternatives to destructive economics models, decentralise economic power, and strengthen local/regional economies. For context, we’re aligned with schools of thought, movements and initiatives that include Transition and permaculture, relocalisation, Degrowth, social and solidarity economies, cooperatives, commons, peer to peer, etc. Over the past several years, we’ve hosted a number of online workshops, seminars, presentations and meetings. We’ve developed a core team and motivated a number of individuals to co-create projects to develop the network, connect with other networks, and spread ‘know how’. This event is organised within REconomy practitioners local-to-global virtual community of practice. More about what we are up to here: [[https://medium.com/virtual-teams-for-systemic-change/citizen-led-economic-transition-a-four-point-framework-for-guiding-action-f54acc2525c7]] ---- Nachricht von Nikola / Transition Bern: **Einladung: 17.04.2020, 17-18:30h Zoom Konferenz zu Wesentlichem nach der akuten Krise** Are you enjoying the quietness and spaciousness of this new life? Or are you finding it difficult to cope with social isolation, health and money worries, and rapid change? How are you and those you know locally dealing with lockdown and grief? What has changed, in terms of staying connected with the local community? What needed to change? What else needs to change in your town? What may stay the same? Climate emergency, what now, what next? Despite the confinement, we need each other now, more than before. That is why we are re-opening the virtual space for the virtual REconomy community of practice. Bring a cup of your favourite beverage and join to REconomy online Meetup. By coming together online in this zoom call we aim to identify ways to strengthen our connection with each other and our community of practice. This is an opportunity to look at our current relationships and networks and ways of working, so that when we are finally released from isolation we will have an even better approach to how we operate globally and locally. Going back to business as usual will be a missed opportunity. Whether it is health, national or local food resources, energy or the revitalisation of the human spirit, this zoom call is one that needs your contribution. It is beyond time to develop alternatives to the existing system — alternatives that are just and inclusive, ecologically wise and socially regenerative, diverse and resilient. These alternatives should also be decentralising, shifting economic and political power back to communities and democratic institutions. And all of this in the context of dramatically less consumption of energy and material, while somehow delivering wellbeing for everyone. There is no bigger innovation challenge. **Please join and invite whoever you think should be present.\\ The invitation Link: [[https://zoom.us/j/774629548]]**\\ Event time in YOUR time zone here: [[https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/?t=19%3A00&tz=CET%20(Central%20European%20Time]] New to zoom? [[https://goo.gl/5Q8J6j]] Background The REconomy practitioners virtual community of practice is an international network whose mission is to spread the economic innovations that are working to create alternatives to destructive economics models, decentralise economic power, and strengthen local/regional economies. For context, we’re aligned with schools of thought, movements and initiatives that include Transition and permaculture, relocalisation, Degrowth, social and solidarity economies, cooperatives, commons, peer to peer, etc. Over the past several years, we’ve hosted a number of online workshops, seminars, presentations and meetings. We’ve developed a core team and motivated a number of individuals to co-create projects to develop the network, connect with other networks, and spread ‘know how’. This event is organised within REconomy practitioners local-to-global virtual community of practice. More about what we are up to here: [[https://medium.com/virtual-teams-for-systemic-change/citizen-led-economic-transition-a-four-point-framework-for-guiding-action-f54acc2525c7]] ---- **02.04.2020: Introduction on tools in online collaboration**\\ {{20200402_tools-collaboration.jpg?200}}\\ The new coronavirus situation results in much more online collaboration. This requires a different approach of operation. Everything you want to know on how to work together online. Focusing on how to successfully run meetings and collaborate together across time and distance. This introductory workshop will help you work more effectively online. The whole session will be Q&A based. Guest and lecturer is Nenad Maljkovic from Zagreb. Nenad Maljković is a permaculture practitioner with a particular interest in its social and economic aspects, effective collaboration in groups and especially in geographically distributed, virtual teams. It promotes the ethics and principles of permaculture among activists and entrepreneurs, and integrates the principles and practices of agility into permaculture. For the last ten years, he has been working to establish local, bioregional and global networks in the context of permaculture and the transition movement. He is a member of the Croatian permaculture association and its representative in the European network ECOLISE. The invitation link: https://zoom.us/j/9922987894 New to zoom? https://goo.gl/5Q8J6j ---- ---- [[corona|Zurück zur Corona-Info-Seite]]\\ [[start| Zurück zum Start]]